Vanessa Santiago is a mother of two amazing sons, and an outreach worker for a non-profit organization where she helps at-risk mothers find wrap-around services to reduce the infant and maternal mortality rates in minority women. Vanessa is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in social work.

She is the creator of The Voice of Tamar, a podcast that was born from her passion to see women and men affected by sexual trauma healed and whole! She is a strong advocate for Jesus and therapy! She is committed to sharing her voice, her story, and her message! Her healing mission begins with encouraging others to understand there is life after a traumatic event such as rape. With the sharing of stories and lessons learned, we hope to empower those individuals struggling with mental, emotional, and spiritual health challenges, allowing them to achieve the abundant life that awaits them.

Vanessa attends Glory House International where she serves as a prophet.


The Voice of Tamar Podcast: