Revelation Brings Strategy!

Hello G-FORCERS! I pray that you are all accelerating in this season. It’s hard to believe that we are already about halfway through our summer. Like it is always said, time feels as if it certainly flying by. As time zoom past us, we are left remembering yesterday, and pondering about tomorrow. I think that is human nature to constantly be in the tension of yesterday and tomorrow. However, we must know how to be strategic in the NOW! That is why I call my monthly recordings, “The NOW Word” so that we’ll know how to advance today!

We can all agree that there’s absolutely nothing practical that we can do with yesterday or tomorrow. What happened yesterday, happened. We can fix mistakes, but we can’t go back to change what was done. What is going to happen in the future hasn’t happened yet, and all we can do is prepare in the best way possible. However, we can’t practically change anything. We live in the continual NOW and the best way to deal with yesterday and tomorrow is to be STRATEGIC in the now! I had a visitation in 2020 that gave me insight into this.

Shortly after the shutdown of 2020, I was seeking the Lord for understanding on what to do. I was in prayer one early morning at around 3am and suddenly felt very sleepy. Despite my attempts to stay awake, I fell asleep on the couch. I’m not sure how long I was asleep, but I suddenly awoke a few hours later noticing a major difference. There was a presence in my house, I knew that presence…because it was the presence of Jesus! As I looked He was standing before me in my living room holding two objects in His hands. In one hand, He held an analogue clock, and in the other hand He held an hourglass. He held them nice and high and while He didn’t speak any words, I knew He was emphasizing a very important point. Suddenly, He was gone. Now, wide awake, I’m praying into the interpretation of what I just saw, and the Holy Spirit led me to this verse.

“See that you walk circumspectly (carefully), not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” (Ephesians 5:15-17)

The Holy Sprit began to speak to me that in this season more than ever, we must be STRATEGIC in our daily lives (analogue clock) and our Kingdom assignments (hourglass). The best way to be strategic is to LIVE BY REVELATION! Revelation from the Holy Sprit will give you strategy on how to best live your life to make the most of every opportunity. When we live by revelation and become strategic in the earth realm, we step into a favor of God that the above verse mentions to redeem time! In other words, you enter a realm of acceleration where things happen faster and it takes you less time and effort to accomplish what needs to be done. So the two realms that require strategy are:

Your daily life — Relationships, health, family, finances, education, employment, business, etc. Your Kingdom assignment — Finding your assignment, your team, metron (scope), budget, alignments, creating a ministry plan, launching and execution of plan, etc.

If you lack strategy, you’re not living by revelation. Implement new disciplines in your life to ask God for revelation for your day and for the upcoming season and He’ll begin to guide you in strategy. It’s time to be strategic. Partner with the Holy Sprit to live by revelation! Redeem your time! 


God Warring with our enemies